Session | No. | Kind | Title | Authors | |
A | | Competitive | Bringing nationalism into management research: an illustration using the choice of governance mode in cross-border collaborations | D. Dow1, I. Cuypers2, G. Ertug2 1University of Melbourne, Australia; 2Singapore Management University, Singapore |
A | | Competitive | Conform or Fiddle? Adjustment Strategies of Sanction-Affected Enterprises | B. Stępień, P. Weber Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland |
A | | Competitive | The Future of Transatlanticism – Effects of a Rise of US Import Tariffs on Exports in the German Automotive Sector | N. Ribberink, M. Kath Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany |
A | | Competitive | Moderating Effects of Innovativeness, Differentiation and Firm Size on Internationalization-Performance Relationships: The Case of Russian Firms | D. Dikova1, A. Veselova2 1Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria; 2Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation |
A | | Competitive | Relationships between eco- and conventional innovations and their impact on firms’ innovation performance. Insights from European Union countries | M. Lewandowska, T. Gołębiowski, M. Rószkiewicz Warsaw School of Economics, Poland |
A | | Competitive | Cognitive and behavioral drivers of internationalization of Polish exporters | P. Wójcik, M. Ciszewska-Mlinaric Kozminski University, Poland |
A | | Competitive | If Dunning were writing now: the eclectic paradigm in an age of platform capitalism | V. C. Simões ISEG, Portugal |
A | | Competitive | Understanding mode dynamics and flexibility | B. Petersen1, G. Benito2, L. Welch3 1Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; 2BI Norwegian Business School, Norway 3Melbourne Business School, Australia |
A | | Competitive | Informal Institutions and the Business of Social Change: Strategy, Structure, and Distinctive Competences in International NGOs | Y. Plourde1, A. Bitektine2 1HEC Montreal, Canada; 2JMSB - Concordia University, Canada |
A | | Competitive | The effect of local firm's specific assets on the choice between greenfield and acquisition: family firms and cluster knowledge | M. C. Sestu, A. Majocchi University of Pavia, Italy |
A | | Competitive | The impact of acquisitions on growth of European high-tech entrepreneurial firms | A. Burger1, P. Kotnik1, M. E. Sakinc2 1University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2Université Paris 13, France |
A | | Competitive | Control, innovation and International Joint Venture performance: the moderating role of environmental factors | H. L. Nguyen1, J. Larimo1, Y. Wang2 1University of Vaasa, Finland; 2University of Southern Denmark, Denmark |
A | | Competitive | Rules of the Game or the Game of Rules? Allocating Value Chain Activities in the Europe Union | M. M. Zhang University College Dublin, Ireland |
A | | Competitive | Are born-globals actually global? A study of 32 rapidly internationalizing SMEs | S. Melén Hånell, C. E. Rovira Nordman, D. Tolstoy Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden |
A | | Competitive | Evolution of born globals: a review of recent research | S. Øyna University of Agder, Norway |
A | | Competitive | Something old, something new, something borrowed: The internationalization of social enterprises targeting global issues | T. A.-M. Ritvala, R. Riikkinen Aalto University, Finland |
A | | Competitive | How the spatial dispersion and size of country networks shape the geographic distance that firms add during international expansion | G. Hendriks University of Warwick, United Kingdom |
A | | Competitive | Connecting Local and Global Technological Knowledge Connections | S. Zaman, J. Cantwell Rutgers University, USA |
A | | Competitive | The ERA of International R&D Investments | G. Damioli1, D. Vertesy1, D. Castellani2 1European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy; 2University of Reading, United Kingdom |
A | | Competitive | Governance Inertia in Dynamic Institutional Environments | N. Jia1, F. Klein2, J. Puck2 1University of Southern California, USA; 2 Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria |
A | | Competitive | Are governance mode and location choices interdependent? | M. Leiblein1, M. M. Larsen2, T. Pedersen3 1Ohio State University, USA; 2Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 3Bocconi University, Italy |
A | | Competitive | How to make waves in a huge pond? The importance of attention-building behaviour among subsidiaries to gain strategic influence | A. Gorgijevski1, K. Lagerström1, C. Holmström Lind1, T. Hult2 1Uppsala University, Sweden; 2Michigan State University, USA |
A | | Competitive | The role of Bulgarian subsidiaries in R&D internationalization: strategic or black hole? | M. Dodourova, S. Zhao, A.-W. Harzing Middlesex University, United Kingdom |
A | | Competitive | Are emerging markets similar enough? Investigating talent management practices and their relation to absorptive capacity and firm performance in Russia and Brazil | M. Latukha1, M. L. Maclennan2, S. Marinova3 1St. Petersburg State University, Russia; 2Centro Universitario Fei, Brazil 3Aalborg University, Denmark |
A | | Competitive | Career trajectories of international talent workers – a CV analysis | F. M. Eberz1, K. Gilli1, N. Böhmer2, H. Schinnenburg2, M. Gunkel1 1Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy; 2University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Germany |
A | | Competitive | Industrial relations in foreign owned subsidiaries in Germany: Comparative case study results |
C. Dörrenbächer, M. Heinz Rudolf, T. Heinz, C. Qi Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany |
A | | Competitive | Innovation Offshoring, Institutional Context and Innovation Performance: A Meta-Analysis | N. Rosenbusch2, M. Gusenbauer3, I. Hatak4, M. Fink3, K. Meyer1 1Ivey Business School, Canada; 2Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada 3Johannes Kepler University, Austria; 4University of St Gallen, Switzerland |
A | | Competitive | Ambidexterity in international business and innovation on organizational learning and decision making | W. Rodgers1,2, W.-L. Liu2, A.-B. Rexford2 1University of Texas at El Paso, USA; 2University of Hull, United Kingdom |
A | | Competitive | Why do Inventors move out of MNCs’ host country subsidiaries? The role of Institutional Distance | D. J. Borah1, S. Massini1, L. Piscitello2 1The University of Manchester, United Kingdom; 2Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
A | | Interactive | Cross-country comparison of environmental, social, and corporate governance performance: How do institutions matter? | J. Shin1, C. H. Oh2 1University of Groningen, The Netherlands; 2Simon Fraser University, Canada |
A | | Interactive | Pro Market Reforms: Do they affect firm profitability? | B. Buscariolli, J. Carneiro Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil |
A | | Interactive | How MNEs Respond to Institutional Voids and Why Do they Differ: The Influence of Firm Factors, Local Partnership, and Institutional Contexts | M. Allen1, M. B. Rana2, J. Liu1 1The University of Manchester; 2Aalborg University |
A | | Interactive | Convergence of innovation policies in the European aerospace industry | M. Landoni1, D. Ogilvie2 1Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy; 2Rochester Institute of Technology |
A | | Interactive | Trump’s Twitter fury and how it matters for multinational corporations | P. Klopf1, A. Gerstbauer1, P. Nell1,2 1Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria; 2Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
A | | Interactive | Internationalisation process of e-commerce firms – a case of financial e services company | M. Grochal-Brejdak, M. Szymura-Tyc University of Economics in Katowice, Poland |
A | | Interactive | The determinants of internationalization of universities | O. M. Adewumi, Z. H. Munim University of Agder, Norway |
A | | Interactive | Outward FDI from CIS: the interplay of host institutional quality and motives of MNEs | F. Filippaios1, I. Gokh2, Z. Stone1 1University of Kent, United Kingdom; 2De Montfort University, United Kingdom |
A | | Interactive | Exporting performance of Brazilian companies: institutional environment, location and competitive resources | R. B. Oliveira1, W. Moraes2, E. Kovacs1, H. H. Santos2, T. Costa2 1UFRPE, Brazil; 2UFPE, Brazil |
A | | Interactive | Economic diplomacy at foreign market entry; difficult entry modes or difficult markets? | A. Jaklič1, S. Šešum2 1University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia |
A | | Interactive | Innovation dynamics and financial constraints. A European Perspective | F. J. Santos Arteaga1, C. Torrecillas Bautista2 1Free University of Bolzano, Italy; 2Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain |
A | | Interactive | Comparisons of patterns and mechanisms catching up processes in technological sectors: a study of manufacturing industries in China | L. Xu1, j. Xiong1, h. Fu2 1Rennes School of Business, France; 2Tsinghua University, China |
A | | Interactive | Foreign Direct Investment Location Choices and Multimarket Competition: Boundary Conditions of the Mainstream Literature and the Challenges of Unforeseen Empirical Contexts | M. Dike1, E. Rose2, U. Andersson3 1Aalto University School of Business, Finland; 2Leeds University Business School, UK 3Mälardalen University, Sweden |
A | | Interactive | Non-constant international growth: previous empirical evidence and future research directions | T. Vissak University of Tartu, Estonia |
A | | Interactive | Undoing the unwise – Creating successful de-merger out of failed merger | I. Hassan1, P. Ghauri2 1King's College London; 2University of Birmingham |
A | | Interactive | Foreign Subsidiary Divestment – a Meta-analytic Study on Antecedents | D. Schmid, D. Morschett University of Fribourg, Switzerland |
A | | Interactive | Foreign Market Re-entry: A Review and Integrated Framework | L. Tang, C. M. Sousa, X. He, J. Lengler Durham University, United Kingdom |
A | | Interactive | Early stage internationalisation in challenging business environments: An exploratory study of modes adopted by medium-sized enterprises seeking market entry in Kenya | H. Gundelach, M. W. Hansen Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
A | | Interactive | A Comparative Study on Explorative Overseas Foreign Direct Investment by MNEs from Developed and Developing Economies | A. Wollenberg1, J. J. Cabrera Lazarini2, K. Chu3 1St. George's University, Grenada; 2Tecnológico de Monterrey 3Curtin University of Technology |
A | | Interactive | Is International Entrepreneurship a Site for Methodological Innovation in Qualitative Case Research: A Review and Analysis | J. Ji1, E. Plakoyiannaki2, P. Dimitratos3, S. Chen4 1Sheffield University Management School, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom; 2Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, United Kingdom 3Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; 4Department of Business Administration, Tongji University, China |
A | | Interactive | Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Intention: Do Students Perceiving a Hostile Environment Benefit? | M. Solesvik1, P. Westhead2 1Nord University, Norway; 2Durham University Business School |
A | | Interactive | From ‘Clicks to Bricks’: A growth Strategy for SMEs | P. Kalfadellis, A. Pucar, P. O'Neill Monash University, Australia |
A | | Interactive | It’s a small world after all: An effectuation analysis on business model to conquer developed markets | C. Vilasboas Calixto1, S. Vasconcellos2, I. Lapuente Garrido3 1Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, Brazil; 2Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Brazil 3UNISINOS, Brazil |
A | | Interactive | Motivation of female business owners: case of Russia, Ukraine and Norway | T. Iakovleva1, M. Solesvik2, A. Trifilova3 1University of Stavanger, Norway; 2Nord University, Norway 3University of Exeter, United Kingdom |
A | | Interactive | “Dear Internet…”: A Sentiment Analysis of Trailing Spouses’ Blogs | A. Koveshnikov1, H. Wechtler2, J. Lindman3 1Aalto University, Finland; 2UNSW, Australia 3University of Gothenburg, Sweden |
A | | Interactive | Relating individual- and group-level decision-making during cross-border integration | S. A. Sniazhko University of Vaasa, Finland |
A | | Interactive | Development of Relationships in Global Virtual Teams around Task | M. Aleem, P. Zettinig Turku School of Economics, Finland |
B | | Competitive | The complementary roles of states and MNEs in solving the tax haven problem | J. Nebus Suffolk University, United States of America |
B | | Competitive | Are ethnic ties catalysts for Chinese outward FDI: the role of country-of-origin firms and immigrants bonds | H. Zhu1, J. Cantwell2, Z. Deng3 1Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China; 2Rutgers University, USA 3Renmin University of China; China |
B | | Competitive | Go abroad or die? A dialogue on internationalization in the decline phase | A. Montoro-Sanchez1, C. Maylin-Aguilar2 1Complutense University of Madrid, Spain; 2Francisco de Vitoria Universy, Spain |
B | | Competitive | Sectoral dimensions of Poland`s investment development path revisited | J. Nowak1, M. Gorynia2, P. Trąpczyński2, R. Wolniak3 1IBD Business School, Warsaw; 2Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland 3University of Warsaw, Poland |
B | | Competitive | The concepts of strategy and business models in firm internationalisation research: towards a research agenda | M. Gorynia, P. Trąpczyński, S. Bytniewski Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland |
B | | Competitive | A balanced inter-cultural-space dispersion is not enough. Think also about the way you get there! | P. H. S. Nguyen1, T. Atamer2, A. C. Martinet3, Z. Guedri2, P. Legrand1 1ESC Clermont Graduate School of Management, France; 2EM Lyon Business School 3iaelyon School of Management - Jean Moulin University |
B | | Competitive | The moderating effects of formal institutional distance on the relationship between cultural distance and performance | H. Correa da Cunha1, M. Amal2, D. Floriani3, S. Andersson4 1Halmstad University Sweden/Universidade de Blumenau (FURB) Brazil; 2Universidade de Blumenau (FURB) Brazil 3Universidade do Vale do Itajai (UNIVALI) Brazil; 4Halmstad University Sweden |
B | | Competitive | Antecedents of the multinationality level of firms from developing countries | M. Amal1, M. Hoeltgebaum2 1Regional University of Blumenau - FURB, Brazil; 2Regional University of Blumenau- FURB Brazil |
B | | Competitive | Fear for Failure and Need for Longevity – Internationalization Process Tensions within Family Businesses | E. J. Paavilainen-Mäntymäki1, T. Leppäaho2, J. Metsola2 1University of Turku, Finland; 2Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland |
B | | Competitive | Theorizing Fear of Failure in the International Opportunity Evaluation: An Investigation of Chinese Entrepreneurs and Their Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises | K. Dong The University of Adelaide, Australia |
B | | Competitive | Uncertainty and decision-making in SME internationalization: The importance of control, prediction, and knowledge | W. Bai1,2, B. Francioni3, M. Johanson4,2, L. Oliveira5,4, M. Ratajczak-Mrozek6 1Zhejiang University of Technology, China; 2Uppsala University, Sweden 3University of Urbino, Italy; 4Dalarna University, Sweden; 5University of São Paulo, Brazil; 6Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland |
B | | Competitive | A Dynamic Framework of Subsidiary Strategic Roles | M. M. Dzikowska1, U. Andersson2,3 1Poznań University of Economics and Business; 2Mälardalen University 3BI Norwegian Business School |
B | | Competitive | Global market integration, strategic orientation, and foreign subsidiary divestment | L. Sleuwaegen1, R. Belderbos1,2, F. DeMichiel1, S. Wu3 1KU Leuven, Belgium; 2Maastricht University, The Netherlands 3University of Liverpool, UK |
B | | Competitive | Political Economy of Finance: Securities Market Regulation | J. Jeric Oxford University, United Kingdom |
B | | Competitive | Dividend smoothing in BRICS countries: the explanatory power of the company’s individual and market-based determinants | U. Mrzyglod, S. Nowak, M. Mosionek-Schweda, J. Kwiatkowski University of Gdansk, Poland |
B | | Competitive | Liability of foreignness in investment banking | J.-F. Hennart1, L. B. Beznos2, H. H. Sheng2 1CentER, Tilburg University; 2Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV-EAESP), Brazil |
B | | Competitive | They are like elephants and we are like mice: A study of learning processes in two internationalizing SMEs | S. Melén Hånell, C. E. Rovira Nordman, L.-G. Mattsson Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden |
B | | Competitive | Social media use as mechanism facilitating progression through the international growth phases of INVs | S. Fraccastoro, M. Gabrielsson University of Eastern Finland, Finland |
B | | Competitive | Vulnerability in Cross-Border Online Shopping: A Cross-National Comparison between Chinese and German Consumers | A. Fota, H. Schramm-Klein, G. Wagner University of Siegen, Germany |
B | | Interactive | The role of Chinese emerging market multinationals in the Belt Road Initiative: An inter-disciplinary approach | W.-s. Siu1, J. Pillai2 1Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China); 2American University of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan |
B | | Interactive | CEO political ideology and firm’s tax avoidance behavior in the shadow of rising populism | A. Kerai Indian Institute of Management, India |
B | | Interactive | Engaging to be at Peace? Examining China’s Interaction with Australia and South Korea in Diplomacy and for International Business in the Belt and Road Initiative | J. Kim, A. Raswant University of Sydney, Australia |
B | | Interactive | Home Sweet Home? The Impact of Home Country Subnational Environment on the Internationalization of Emerging Market Firms | A. Raswant, C. Pattnaik University of Sydney, Australia |
B | | Interactive | Internationalization of the State-Owned Enterprises: Evidence from Russia | D. Klishevich1, A. Panibratov2 1St. Petersburg State University, Russia; 2St. Petersburg State University, Russia |
B | | Interactive | Internationally initiated microfinance institutions and their performance: The moderating effect of size | T. W. SOMMENO University of Agder, Norway |
B | | Interactive | Inward FDI in Central and Eastern Europe: do institutions still matter? | V. Avioutskii1, M. Tensaout2 1ESSCA School of Management, France; 2Université du Maine, France |
B | | Interactive | Legitimisation through the network – the case of emerging market firm internationalisation | N. Hasche2, C. Öberg1 1The Ratio Institute, Sweden; 2Rebro University |
B | | Interactive | Internationalization of Born Globals: the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Perspective | H. Velt, L. Torkkeli, S. Saarenketo Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland |
B | | Interactive | Brazilian craft breweries and internationalization process: the born global perspective | F. Stocker1, G. Abib2 1University of São Paulo, Brazil; 2Federal University of Paraná, Brazil |
B | | Interactive | Business models and internationalization patterns in the software industry. The case of Polish B2B IT firms | W. Nowiński1, M. Kozma2 1WSB University in Poznań, Poland; 2Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary |
C | | Competitive | Multinationals and the European poors: Reverse knowledge transfer or ad hoc solutions? | A. Zucchella1, S. Malvestito2 1University of Pavia, Italy; 2UBS, Switzerland |
C | | Competitive | Does Foreign Direct Investment promote Institutional Development in Africa? | R. Mongong-Fon, F. Filippaios, C. Stoian University of Kent, United Kingdom |
C | | Competitive | Myths about collinearity and clusters in International Business research: Identification, consequences, and remedies | T. Lindner, J. Puck Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria |
C | | Competitive | Theories, Hypotheses and Testing Structures: A Holistic Perspective | T. M. Devinney1, E. Rose2, K. Nagre3 1University of Leeds, United Kingdom; 2University of Leeds, United Kingdom 3University of Leeds, United Kingdom |
C | | Competitive | Systematic technique for applying critical realism to multilevel case studies in International Business | A. Silenskyte University of Vaasa, Finland |
C | | Competitive | Entry mode deviation from internalization theory predictions | S. Elia1, M. Møller Larsen2, L. Piscitello1 1Politecnico di Milano, Italy; 2Copenhagen Business School |
C | | Competitive | The Role of Imitative Learning on Speed of the Internationalization Process: An Analysis on Market Selection Process | J. N. Edeh, F. J. Acedo, J. C. Casilas Universidad de Sevilla, Spain |
C | | Competitive | Which way to catch up? Top management team functional diversity and unconventional FDI portfolios of emerging economy firms | Y. Li1, L. Cui2, Y. Choi2, X. Tian3 1The University of Sydney, Australia; 2The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 3Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing, China |
C | | Competitive | FDI, Culture and Females’ Education in EU Countries | C. Economidou, C. Kottaridi, K. Louloudi University of Piraeus, Greece |
C | | Competitive | They grow up so quickly! An essay on evolution of Swedish managers' mental frames of the developing markets in times of globalisation | M. Budryk Uppsala University, Sweden |
C | | Competitive | The Eclectic Paradigm as a Holistic Model to Analyze Subnational Determinants of FDI | C. B. Batschauer da Cruz1, D. E. Floriani1, M. Amal2 1University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Brazil, Brazil; 2Regional University of Blumenau (FURB), Brazil |
C | | Competitive | Competition network, home-region competition, and performance | S.-Y. Kim ESC RENNES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, France |
C | | Competitive | No place like home: Evidence on country of origin acquisitions by migrant CEOs | M. J. Mueller1, T. H. Reus1, A. H. Slangen2 1Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University; 2KU Leuven |
C | | Competitive | The impact of institutional distance on cross-border merger and acquisition time to completion: The moderating effect of European Union membership | C. Santos1, N. R. Reis1,2, J. C. Santos1,2 1School of Techonlogy and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria; 2CARME - Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics |
C | | Competitive | Stakeholder Voice and Accounting-Based Incentives: Evidence from Germany and the United States | D. Feils1, M. Rahman2, F. Sabac3 1MacEwan University, Canada; 2University of San Diego, USA 3University of Alberta, Canada |
C | | Competitive | Nominee representatives of lenders in the board of directors: Impact on firm internationalization strategy | V. Sukumara Panicker1, S. Mitra2, R. Srinivas Upadhyayula2 1Loughborough University, United Kingdom; 2Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, India |
C | | Competitive | CEO Overconfidence and Subsidiary Divestments | F. Zilja BI Norwegian Business School, Norway |
C | | Competitive | International top managers and their board tenure: is internationalization detrimental? | S. Schmid1, S. Mitterreiter2 1ESCP Europe, Germany; 2ESCP Europe, Germany |
C | | Competitive | Integration managers’ approaches to uncertainty management | S. A. Sniazhko University of Vaasa, Finland |
C | | Competitive | Proposal of a Validated Coding Instrument to Analyse Interactions in Cross-cultural Business Negotiations | C. Dowie1, C. De Mattos2, O. De Bruijn3, P. Ghauri4 1University of Aberdeen, UK; 2University of Huddersfield, UK 3University of Manchester, UK; 4Uiversity of Birmingham, UK |
C | | Competitive | Innovation and industrial specialization patterns of FDI in service and manufacturing sectors – examination of the industrial sectors across regions in a transition economy | A. Mironko Indiana University East, United States of America |
C | | Competitive | Industrial architecture characteristics, R&D subsidies and policy penetration effects: A comparative study of wind power and new energy vehicles | W. Gao1, D. Wang2, X. Hu1 1China University of Mining and Technology, China; 2Aalborg University, Denmark |
C | | Competitive | Knowledge exploration and exploitation in R&D internationalization: A comparison of emerging versus advanced economy multinational companies | V. Procher1, P. Steinberg2, D. Urbig3, C. Volkmann3 1Grenoble Ecole de Management, France; 2University of Groningen, The Netherlands 3University of Wuppertal, Germany |
C | | Interactive | U.S. Foreign Direct Investment to the Eurozone Manufacturing. A distance framework by type of industry approach | D. Kyrkilis1, N. Grujic1 1University of Macedonia, Greece |
C | | Interactive | Unintended FDI spillovers or deliberate network change? - Developing a framework on multinational corporations’ impact on local companies | E. Pelto University of Turku, Finland |
C | | Interactive | Driving forces behind the expansion strategies of Chinese MNEs in Central and Eastern Europe | A. Szunomar Agnes Center for Economic and Regional Studies HAS, Hungary |
C | | Interactive | Internal organizational factors on social enterprise international scaling: a quantitative study | F. De Beule, K. Dobson, J. Bruneel KU Leuven University, Belgium |
C | | Interactive | Embeddedness of international new ventures during the first global economy | T. Leppäaho1, R. Amdam2, S. Jack3, S. Korhonen1 1Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland; 2BI Norwegian Business School, Norway 3Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden |
C | | Interactive | Survival of new ventures: the influence of internationalization and its speed | E. Choquette, M. Rask Aarhus University, Denmark |
C | | Interactive | Are corporate investors ambidextrous? How exploration and exploitation can pursue firm performance in the corporate venture capital? | F. H. Shuwaikh Paris Sud University, France |
C | | Interactive | Internationalisation performance of SMEs from emerging economies: Does managerial knowledge make a difference? | S. Kumari, V. Shirodkar, S. McGuire University of Sussex, United Kingdom |
C | | Interactive | Mature markets, internationalization and SMEs: challenges and opportunities | A. Montoro-Sanchez1, C. Maylin-Aguilar2 1Complutense University of Madrid, Spain; 2Francisco de Vitoria University, Spain |
C | | Interactive | Co-location of R&D and production in fashion industry: The case of Italy | D. Lica, E. Di Maria, V. De Marchi University of Padova, Italy |
C | | Interactive | Collocation for what? Value and critical dimensions of MNE clustering | B. Urzelai1, F. Puig2 1University of the West of England, United Kingdom; 2University of Valencia, Spain |
C | | Interactive | Location advantages of the Lodz province for small foreign investors: revisited after five years | T. Dorożyński, J. Świerkocki University of Lodz, Poland |
C | | Interactive | The Managerial Challenges for Labor Intensive Industry in Developed Countries: Some Case Studies of Japanese Apparel SMEs | F. Iwasaki1, Y. Ueki2 1Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia; 2Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO), Japan |
C | | Interactive | Micro-geography of Agglomeration Economies: Evidence on the UK | D. Castellani1, K. Lavoratori1 University of Reading, United Kingdom |
C | | Interactive | How audit society limits countries' ability to grow IB via inconsistent treatment of Remittances in sovereign credit rating | L. F. DUCRAY Caen-Normandie University, France |
C | | Interactive | The Role of Dividends on Equity Valuation: Evidence from GCC Countries | B. M. Abu-Abbas Qatar University, Qatar |
C | | Interactive | Women on Boards of the World’s Largest Multinationals: A Multi-Dimensional Perspective | A. Budde-Sung, S. Gray University of Sydney, Australia |
C | | Interactive | Going private transactions performance in emerging economies: a comparative study between Latin America, Europe and Asia | A. Y. Chevalier1, A. Sannajust2 1ESCP Europe, France; 2Université de Saint Etienne-COACTIS-Saint Etienne-France, France |
C | | Interactive | Migrants as cross-border entrepreneurs – a theoretical review and mapping | M. Elo1, P. Servais2, S. Sandberg2 1Shanghai University, University of Turku, Migration Institute of Finland, Finland; 2Linnaeus University, Sweden |
C | | Interactive | From expatriation to global migration: The role of talent management practices in talent mobility to Ghana | M. Latukha, J. Soyiri St. Petersburg State University, Russia |
C | | Interactive | The Paradox of Roots and Wings: Labor Mobility from Local Firms to MNEs in Algeria | F. Tighersi1, A. Bouguerra2, I. Golgeci3 1 University of Birmingham, United Kingdom; 2Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 3Aarhus University, Denmark |
C | | Interactive | Global Leadership success through cultural and emotional intelligence in International teams | E. Lankut1,2, M. Gunkel3, Z. H. Munim1, I. Alon1, V. Taras4, N. F. Richter2 1University of Agder, Norway; 2Southern Denmark University (SDU), Denmark 3Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy; 4University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA |
D | | Competitive | Regional social capital and the entrepreneurial establishment process: a multi-level study | J. Kleinhempel, S. Beugelsdijk, M. Klasing 1University of Groningen, The Netherlands |
D | | Competitive | The internationalization of socially oriented organizations: Determinants of host country selection | J. Chen, S. Saarenketo, K. Puumalainen Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland |
D | | Competitive | Entry timing and initial speed: Exploring interactions and impacts on exporting SMEs | R. Romanello1, M. Chiarvesio1, B. Balboni2 1University of Udine, Italy; 2University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy |
D | | Competitive | Networks and Firm's Scalability: How Network Factors Contribute in defining Born-Global Scalability Path | B. Abdulkader Central European University, Hungary |
D | | Competitive | Digitalization in the global sales era: the analysis of a cross-national dataset | C. Lindh2, C. E. Rovira Nordman1, S. Melén Hånell1, A. Safari2, A. Hadjikhani2 1Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden; 2Mälardalen University, Sweden |
D | | Competitive | RBV + SDL | RM? Explaining Resource-Based View and Service-Dominant Logic through Relationship Management Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland |
D | | Competitive | Structural Attention Matters More: Attention and Communication Choices in Multinational Corporations | H. u. Haq1, R. Drogendijk1, D. B. Holm2 1University of Groningen, Netherlands; 2Uppsala University, Sweden |
D | | Competitive | A values-based analysis of bifurcation bias and its impact on family firm internationalization | A. Verbeke1, W. Yuan2, L. L. Kano1 1University of Calgary, Canada; 2University of Manitoba, Canada |
D | | Competitive | The effect of initial structural conditions on IJV stability: Evidence from French-foreign JVs | H. Aib, J. Liouville University of Strasbourg, France |
D | | Competitive | Outward foreign investment and home-country economic development: Using the eclectic paradigm to synthesize two influential IB literatures | G. Hendriks University of Warwick, United Kingdom |
D | | Competitive | Addressing the finance gap in IB: combining export finance and export promotion to support firms’ internationalization | M. S. Bitsch University of Turku, Finland |
D | | Competitive | How exporting small and medium sized enterprises manage foreign exchange risk | V. H. Dang1, V. Lindsay2 1An Giang University, Vietnam; 2American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates |
D | | Competitive | Cultivating a corporate global mindset: An exploratory attempt to connect global mindset with organizational identity | R. Guerrero, J. Hruby Steinbeis Consulting Center, Germany |
D | | Competitive | Exploring voluntary turnover in companies operating in Russia: Application of text mining in job review analysis | D. Sokolov, L. Selivanovskikh St. Petersburg State University, Russia |
D | | Competitive | Attracting Job Seekers Using Diversity Seals | S.A. Rössig, S. Enke Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany |
D | | Competitive | Foreign market adaptation and performance: the role of institutional distance and organizational capabilities | M. Ciszewska-Mlinaric1, P. Trąpczyński2 1Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland; 2Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland |
D | | Competitive | Causation and Effectuation Help to Understand Export Marketing and Performance of Micro and Small Brazilian Enterprises | R. D. Cunha, T. V. Rocha, S. G. Moraes ESPM/SP, Brazil |
D | | Competitive | Country Environment and Local Performance: A Cross-classified Multi-level Approach | B. Swoboda, L. Morbe, C. Sinning University of Trier, Germany |
D | | Competitive | Don’t do it in the Rome if you cannot do as the Romans do: How ‘distance’ in intellectual property protection regimes matters for MNEs’ innovations at foreign-subsidiary levels? | P. Konara1, G. Batsakis2, V. Shirodkar3 1University of Plymouth, United Kingdom; 2ALBA Graduate Business School, Greece 3University of Sussex, United Kingdom |
D | | Competitive | Firm’s Innovation and Market Valuation: Are There any Threshold Effects? | C. Economidou1, K. Drivas1, E. Ketteni2, C. Kottaridi1 1University Of Piraeus, Greece; 2Frederick University, Cyprus |
D | | Competitive | Foreign Knowledge Flow and the Chinese Accounting Firm’s Dynamic Capabilities Development | T. H. Malik Liaoning University, China |
D | | Competitive | An Inter-firm Perspective on Market, Brand and Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Influence on Performance | F. Wang1, P. Ghauri2, U. Elg3 1King's College London, United Kingdom; 2University of Birmingham, United Kingdom 3Lund University, Sweden |
D | | Competitive | Managing resource dependencies to achieve the balance of power: A perspective of low power firms in an inter-organisational relationship | S. Ahmad, P. Dimitratos, S. Zyglidopoulos, R. Narooz University of Glasgow, United Kingdom |
D | | Competitive | Indigenous and Foreign MNEs: Do Linkages with Local Business Partners Differ? | J. Scott-Kennel1, I. Saittakari2 1University of Waikato, New Zealand; 2Aalto University, Finland |
D | | Interactive | Investigating collective international opportunities – A case study | E. Haaja1, N. Nummela1,2 1University of Turku, Finland; 2University of Tartu, Estonia |
D | | Interactive | Family ownership and intermittent exporting | A. Kuiken Jönköping International Business School, Sweden |
D | | Interactive | The choice between joint venture and wholly owned subsidiary: a comparison of SMEs and large firms | M. C. Sestu1, A. Majocchi1, A. D’Angelo2 1University of Pavia, Italy; 2Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy |
D | | Interactive | Digital Age Internalization: How Organizational Performance Impacts Internalization Decisions | J. Dredge, C. Park Memorial University, Canada |
D | | Interactive | Early Internationalizing Firms as a Means of Cross-border Entrepreneurial Experimentations under Genuine Uncertainty: Insights from Judgment-Based View of Entrepreneurship | H. Kano Waseda University, Japan |
D | | Interactive | The Evolution of Born Globals | S. Øyna, R. Shneor University of Agder, Norway |
D | | Interactive | Discovering the Land of a Thousand Lakes: Identity Work among Foreign Academics in Finland | A. Koveshnikov1, P. Kähäri1, J. Sumelius2, H. Vuorenmaa1 1Aalto University School of Business, Finland; 2University of Vaasa, Finland |
D | | Interactive | “Maybe I’m not an expert at all”: Enacting expertise at the multinational workplace | T. Hakkarainen1, J. Angouri2 1Aalto University, Finland; 2University of Warwick, United Kingdom |
D | | Interactive | The influence of TMT’s nationality diversity on MNCs’ employer attractiveness | T. Dauth1,4, S. Schmid2, D. Georgakakis3, W. Ruigrok3, F. Orban1 1HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany; 2ESCP Europe, Germany 3University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; 4Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy |
D | | Interactive | Do location and family matter when going abroad? | G. Hong1, K. E. Shin2, E. Kim3 1The institutes of Spain and Latin America, Korea University; 2Korea University Business School 3Pusan National University, Korea, Republic of (South Korea) |
D | | Interactive | Researchers as Key Actors in the Internationalization of Higher Education: The P.R.I.D. Model | M. Romani-Dias1,2, J. Carneiro2 1Escola Superior de Engenharia e Gestão (ESEG), Brazil; 2FGV Sao Paulo School of Business Administration, Brazil |
D | | Interactive | Innovation and Regional Development: Evidence from Brazil | F. d. O. Paula, J. F. d. Silva Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
D | | Interactive | The Influence of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices on Knowledge Sharing in ERP Implementation | A. Aklamanu Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Ghana |
D | | Interactive | Effectuation, Causation and Radical Innovation in Norwegian Firms | P. Westhead2, M. Solesvik1 1Nord University, Norway; 2Durham University, United Kingdom |
D | | Interactive | An Integrated Model to Explore the Determinants of Product and Process Innovation: Does Information System Usage has A Mediating Role? | I. H. Magboul1, A. K. Al-Swidi2 1Community College Qatar, Qatar; 2Qatar University, Qatar |
D | | Interactive | Political Embeddedness and Competence Creation: Intermediate Units vs. Local Subsidiaries | A. Botella, C. Villar, J. Pla-Barber University of Valencia, Spain |
D | | Interactive | Global Market Entry Strategies of Chinese and Taiwanese High-Technology Firms: A Network Perspective | M. Glowik, A. Alan Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany |
D | | Interactive | European Born Globals and Their Global Value Chains | V. Patrini Eurofound, Ireland |
D | | Interactive | Social Network Structure and Vertical Desintegration | R. Oliveira1, A. Figueira1, B. Jindra2 1COPPEAD, Brazil; 2Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
D | | Interactive | The Impact of International Ownership on the Performance of Social Enterprises: A Global Survey of Microfinance Shareholder Firms | K. Ohene Djan1, R. Mersland1, L. A. Beisland1, L. Nakato1, S. A. Nyarko1,2 1University of Agder, Norway; 2Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Brussels School of Management |
E | | Competitive | Infant multinationals in infant markets: opportunity creation by Central and Eastern European firms in Sub-Saharan Africa | A. Wąsowska1, K. Obłój2 1University of Warsaw, Poland; 2Kozminski University, Poland |
E | | Competitive | Institutional effects on the ownership in cross-border acquisitions by African firms | J. C. Rodrigues2, M. P. Ferreira1, J. C. Santos1 1Polytechnic Institute of Leiria; 2CARME - Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics; 2Polytechnic Institute of Leiria |
E | | Competitive | Internationalization and Performance: Moderating Role of Firm-specific Advantages | K. R. Bhandari1, J. Larimo1, Y. Wang2 1University of Vaasa, Finland; 2University of Southern Denmark, Denmark |
E | | Competitive | The informal legacy: exploring the relationship between the informal economy and exporting among African SMEs | M. Møller Larsen, C. Witte Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
E | | Competitive | Boundarylessness and boundaries in international entrepreneurship identity work | S. Korhonen1, M. Hannibal2 1Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland; 2University of Southern Denmark, Denmark |
E | | Competitive | Facilitating International Venturing of Emerging Market Firms through Entrepreneurial Transformation: Contingent Role of Technological Environment | C. Han1, B. Nielsen2 1Xi'an Jiaotong University, China; 2The University of Sydney, Australia |
E | | Competitive | The role of institutional context in backshoring decisions | L. L. Halse1, B. B. Nujen1, H. Solli-Sæther2 1Molde University College, Norway; 2Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway |
E | | Competitive | What happens after offshoring? A comprehensive framework | M. Bettiol2, M. Chiarvesio3, E. Di Mattia2, C. Di Stefano1, L. Fratocchi1 1University of L'Aquila, Italy; 2University of Padova, Italy 3University of Udine, Italy |
E | | Competitive | Connectivity and the Location of MNEs Across the Value Chain. Evidence from US Metropolitan Areas | D. Castellani1, K. Lavoratori1, A. Perri2, V. Scalera3 1University of Reading, United Kingdom; 2Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy 3University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
E | | Competitive | Why do multinational firms offshore R&D to China? An in-depth analysis of determinants behind locational strategies | J. Hong, S. Massini, J. Edler University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
E | | Competitive | Strategic factors in the interaction of innovation-oriented University-Industry collaborations | V. Rosendo-Rios CUNEF, Spain |
E | | Competitive | The brand identity role and attitude toward donations: an American-Italian comparison in the higher education context | B. Francioni1, I. Curina1, C. Dennis2, S. Papagiannidis3, E. Alamanos3, M. Bourlakis4 1Università di Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy; 2The Business School, Middlesex University, London NW4 4BT, UK 3Newcastle University Business School, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4SE, UK; 4Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AL, UK |
E | | Competitive | Generational cohorts: Review and research directions | S. G. Moraes, V. I. Strehlau, R. D. Cunha ESPM, Brazil |
E | | Competitive | Recapturing customers in cross-border acquisitions of knowledge-intensive firms: the case of a Chinese-Finnish M&A | W. Y. Degbey1, C. Öberg2, N. Nummela1 1University of Turku, Finland; 2Örebro University School of Business, Sweden |
E | | Competitive | The institutional approach on coopetition: coopetition and internationalization of firms regarding the role of the formal institutions | J. M. Monticelli1,3, I. L. Garrido2, L. M. Vieira1, J. R. d. S. Verschoore2 1Fundacao Getulio Vargas EAESP, Brazil; 2Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil 3Universidade Unilasalle, Brazil |
E | | Competitive | Socioemotional wealth and international networking of family-controlled SMEs | J. S. Metsola, T. C. Leppäaho Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland |
E | | Interactive | Knowledge connectivity in the global value chain of lithium-batteries | I. Alvarez, R. Marín, F. Moreno-Brieva Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain |
E | | Interactive | E-commerce and the international scope of MNEs | I. Alvarez, R. Marín Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain |
E | | Interactive | The role of inter-organizational strategic fit in sub-supplier management – a multi-case field study observed from a lower-tier perspective | E. Altmayer University of St. Gallen, Switzerland |
E | | Interactive | Firm financial performance and the consequence of FDI location in global cities vs. non-global cities | H. Du NEOMA Business School, France |
E | | Interactive | Segways and segues: humour as a lens to exploring expatriates’ language proficiency and cross-cultural awareness in Japan | M. J. Lehtonen, A. Koveshnikov Aalto University, Finland |
E | | Interactive | A Conceptual Framework of Global Mindset (GM) Development | J. Hruby, R. Guerrero, J. Hartel Steinbeis Consulting Center, Germany |
E | | Interactive | A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Individual- and Collective-Focused Leadership | U. Poethke, J. Rowold TU Dortmund University, Germany |
E | | Interactive | Institutional influences on the implementation of HRM in MNCs across settings | P. Gooderham1, E. Stavrou2, E. Parry3, M. Morley4, M. Lazarova5 1NHH, Norway; 2Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus 3Cranfield University, United Kingdom; 4University of Limerick, Ireland; 5Beedie School of Business, Canada |
E | | Interactive | HRM practices and intellectual capital: the role of knowledge management strategies | D. Sokolov, E. Zavyalova St. Petersburg State University, Russia |
E | | Interactive | Environmental Sustainability Strategy and International Performance: A Systematic Review of the Literature | L. Barbosa, J. Carneiro FGV Sao Paulo School of Business Administration, Brazil |
E | | Interactive | When performance fails to appear: Making the marketing strategy more right | G. Alteren UiT Arctic University of Tromso, Norway |
E | | Interactive | A study of export intensity and export performance of MNE foreign subsidiaries | Q. Nguyen University of Reading, United Kingdom |
E | | Interactive | Context and position in value co-creation: a multi-firm perspective | S. T. Marinova1, S. Freeman2, M. Marinov1 1Aalborg University, Denmark; 2University of South Australia, Australia |
E | | Interactive | How do International Linkages, business group affiliation and state ownership affect the Domestic Innovation Performance of Overseas Technology Seeking M&As in Chinese Businesses? | Z. Hu, D. Sutherland, C. Williams Durham University, United Kingdom |
E | | Interactive | Internal challenges to knowledge sharing in Western R&D centers in China: A comparative case study | D. Schulzmann1,2, D. Wang1, D. Slepniov1 1Aalborg University, Denmark; 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
E | | Interactive | Constructing transactional confidence under conditions of institutional uncertainties: Social and technological micro solutions of platform-based organizations in emerging markets | M. Okraku1, C. E. Weber1, I. Maurer1, J. Mair2 1University of Göttingen, Germany; 2Hertie School of Governance, Germany |
E | | Interactive | MNC’s knowledge management and project performance: An ability, motivation and opportunity approach | A. Dasi1, T. Pedersen2, L. L. Barakat3, T. R. Alves4 1Universitat de València, Spain; 2Bocconi University, Italy 3Fundação Dom Cabral, Brazil; 4Action Business |
E | | Interactive | How do external search influence the link between knowledge transfer and innovation performance? Evidence from European MNE subsidiaries | I. Golgeci1, A. Ferraris2, A. Arslan3, S. Y. Tarba4 1Aarhus University, Denmark; 2University of Turin, Italy 3University of Oulu, Finland; 4University of Birmingham, United Kingdom |
E | | Interactive | Bridge-building: An integrative approach to learning in International Business | P. Zettinig, M. Berry University of Turku, Finland |
E | | Interactive | Critical Perspectives on Transnational Higher Education | J. D. Branch University of Michigan, USA |
E | | Interactive | The Travel Shop: new alternatives for growth | V. Steinhauser, A. Da Rocha PUC Rio, Brazil |
E | | Interactive | Using International Classroom as a Platform for Teaching IB | M. Jarosiński1, M. Kozma2 1SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland; 2Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary |
F | | Competitive | Bringing Corporate Governance into Internalization Theory: Foreign Entry of State Owned Enterprises | B. Grøgaard1, A. Rygh2, G. R. G. Benito1 1BI Norwegian Business School, Norway; 2University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
F | | Competitive | Taking stock of foreign divestment: a critical review of contemporary literature | P. Arte, J. Larimo University of Vaasa, Finland |
F | | Competitive | Dynamic learning and networking capabilities: Their development and interplay during entrepreneurial internationalization | S. Fuerst1, P. Zettinig2 1Universidad EAFIT, Columbia; 2University of Turku, Finland |
F | | Competitive | Chinese Exporter's Nonlinear Internationalization Process: Causes and Analysis | X. Zhang1,2, J. Helena Zhang3, R. Aman1 1University of Oulu, Finland; 2Shanghai University, China 3Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
F | | Competitive | Institutional Schisms: The impact of intergovernmental organizations on entrepreneurship | E. Moore2, L. A. Dau2, K. Brandl1 1University of Victoria, Canada; 2Northeastern University, USA |
F | | Competitive | The Effect of Board Interlocks on the Degree of Firm Internationalization: Evidence from Swedish SMEs | H. E. Yildiz1, M. Eriksson1, U. Holm1, S. Morgulis-Yakushev2 1Uppsala University, Sweden; 2Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden |
F | | Competitive | The managerial cognitive reasoning amplification to the internationalization decision-making process framework | B. Vlacic1, M. González-Loureiro1,2 1Universidad de Vigo, Spain; 2CIICESI-Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal |
F | | Competitive | Unanimity of top management team and firm performance in internationalizing SMEs | L. Haapanen, P. Ahokangas, J. Juntunen, M. Juntunen Oulu Business School, Finland |
F | | Competitive | Causes and resolution approaches on conflicts between mining companies and communities | C. H. Oh1, J. Shin2, S. S. H. Ho1 1Simon Fraser University, Canada; 2University of Groningen, The Netherlands |
F | | Competitive | How Could Social Business be Successful in Developing Countries? - A Case Study of Africa | H. Inami Kyorin University, Japan |
F | | Competitive | Nonperforming Loans and Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions | S. Zamore, L. A. Beisland, R. Mersland University of Agder, Norway |
F | | Competitive | Financial linkages and savings groups’ dynamics: A global study | L. Nakato1, R. Mersland1, B. D'Espallier2 1University of Agder, Norway; 2KU Leuven, Belgium |
F | | Competitive | Adverse Shocks and Capital Structure Decisions: A Temporal Analysis of Listed Emerging Market Firms around the Global Financial Crisis | B. Aybar1, S. Deligonul2, B. An3 1Southern New Hampshire University, USA; 2St. John Fisher College, USA 3Plymouth State University, USA |
F | | Competitive | Psychological Contract Violations during International Assignments: The Moderating Role of Emotional Deprivation | T. Schuster1, K. Bader2, B. Bader3 1Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany; 2Georg-August-University, Germany 3Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany |
F | | Competitive | Beyond cultural homogeneity: Understanding within Russia differences in managerial values | F. León-Darder Universitat de València, Spain |
F | | Competitive | Expatriates and partners living together abroad or apart: Longitudinal crossover and individual effect of depression and marital satisfaction | R. A. I. C. Karunarathne1, F. J. Froese2 1University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka; 2University of Goettingen, Germany |
F | | Competitive | Food consumer segmentations across five European countries: evidence for divergence or convergence? | B. Hagen1, A. Carcagnì2, G. Sepe1, I. Matullat3, D. Menozzi4, J. L. Santiago-Rial5, D. Taskov6, O. Untilov7 1University of Pavia, Italy; 2University of Milan - Bicocca, Italy 3TTZ Germany; 4University of Parma, Italy; 5CETMAR Spain; 6University of Stirling, United Kingdom; 7University of Haute Savoie Mont Blanc , France |
F | | Competitive | Using Dynamic Capabilities to Adopt Innovative International Marketing Strategies - Aligning Consumer and Company Values - Evidence from the US, the Netherlands and New Zealand | M. Seifert, M. Benson-Rea University of Auckland, New Zealand |
F | | Interactive | Deconstructed corruption distance and FDI location choice | Z. Rodina Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand |
F | | Interactive | Micro-political influences on an implementation failure in the Russian automotive industry | V. KRYLOV1, 2 MONTENERO2 1University of Lorraine, France; 2University of Paris-Dauphine, France |
F | | Interactive | Decision-Makers’ Risks Perceptions in Internationalization and the Role of Context | S. T. Marinova1, J. S. Eduardsen1, J. Karmowska2, J. Child3, S. Elbanna4, L. Hsieh5, R. Narooz6, P. Puthusserry7, T. Tsai8, Y. Zhang8 1Aalborg University, Denmark; 2Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom 3Universities of Birmingham & Plymouth, United Kingdom; 4Qatar University, Qatar; 5SOAS University of London, United Kingdom; 6University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; 7University of Sussex, United Kingdom; 8China-Europe International Business School, China |
F | | Interactive | Information sharing networks among Japanese SMEs and support organizations at collective regional stands in a foreign trade show | C. Furukawa Aichi University, Japan |
F | | Interactive | A Hybrid Approach to International Market Selection: The Case of European Impact Investing Organizations | R. Mersland1, S. A. Nyarko1,2, A. B. Sirisena1 1University of Agder, Norway; 2Université Libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Belgium |
F | | Interactive | A case study on the commercialisation of digital technology | E. K. Aro University of Turku, Finland |
F | | Interactive | Assessing the pros and cons of digital corporate information systems: What can be learnt from a British MNC and a Chinese MNC | S. Zhao Middlesex University, United Kingdom |
F | | Interactive | The digital future of Telcos: Dumb pipes or crucial partners in innovation of new business models? | F. Elter1, P. Gooderham2,3, A. Dasi4, T. Pedersen5 1Telenor Group; 2Norwegian School of Economics, Norway 3Middlesex University, United Kingdom; 4University of Valencia, Spain; 5Bocconi University, Italy |
F | | Interactive | Understanding brand awareness for born global firms: a proposition for the use of the diffusion of innovation theory | M. T. Salomão, J. C. B. Figueiredo, V. I. Strehlau ESPM, Brazil |
F | | Interactive | International Consumers Airline Experiences and Negative Brand Emotions Expressed on Social Media: A Consumer Perspective | A. Manzoor, T. Mullern, A. Berndt Jönköping University, Sweden |
F | | Interactive | Corporate conflict management in international business relationships | S. Hartl, M. Chavan Macquarie University, Australia |
F | | Interactive | Is Socioeconomic Matching of Staff and Clients Beneficial for Microfinance Social Enterprises? | N. Otiti University of Agder, Norway |
F | | Interactive | National Identity and Foreign Direct Investment: Sense-making and the Legacy of History in Central European Post-Communist Organisations | A. Soulsby University of Nottingham, United Kingdom |
F | | Interactive | Rough winds? Emotional climate following acquisitions | R. Harikkala-Laihinen University of Turku, Finland |