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Session No. Kind Title Authors
1 A Competitive Bringing nationalism into management research: an illustration using the choice of governance mode in cross-border collaborations D. Dow1, I. Cuypers2, G. Ertug2
1University of Melbourne, Australia; 2Singapore Management University, Singapore
2 A Competitive Conform or Fiddle? Adjustment Strategies of Sanction-Affected Enterprises B. Stępień, P. Weber
Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
3 A Competitive The Future of Transatlanticism – Effects of a Rise of US Import Tariffs on Exports in the German Automotive Sector N. Ribberink, M. Kath
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
4 A Competitive Moderating Effects of Innovativeness, Differentiation and Firm Size on Internationalization-Performance Relationships: The Case of Russian Firms D. Dikova1, A. Veselova2
1Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria; 2Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
5 A Competitive Relationships between eco- and conventional innovations and their impact on firms’ innovation performance. Insights from European Union countries M. Lewandowska, T. Gołębiowski, M. Rószkiewicz
Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
6 A Competitive Cognitive and behavioral drivers of internationalization of Polish exporters P. Wójcik, M. Ciszewska-Mlinaric
Kozminski University, Poland
7 A Competitive If Dunning were writing now: the eclectic paradigm in an age of platform capitalism V. C. Simões
ISEG, Portugal
8 A Competitive Understanding mode dynamics and flexibility B. Petersen1, G. Benito2, L. Welch3
1Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; 2BI Norwegian Business School, Norway 3Melbourne Business School, Australia
9 A Competitive Informal Institutions and the Business of Social Change: Strategy, Structure, and Distinctive Competences in International NGOs Y. Plourde1, A. Bitektine2
1HEC Montreal, Canada; 2JMSB - Concordia University, Canada
10 A Competitive The effect of local firm's specific assets on the choice between greenfield and acquisition: family firms and cluster knowledge M. C. Sestu, A. Majocchi
University of Pavia, Italy
11 A Competitive The impact of acquisitions on growth of European high-tech entrepreneurial firms A. Burger1, P. Kotnik1, M. E. Sakinc2
1University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2Université Paris 13, France
12 A Competitive Control, innovation and International Joint Venture performance: the moderating role of environmental factors H. L. Nguyen1, J. Larimo1, Y. Wang2
1University of Vaasa, Finland; 2University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
13 A Competitive Rules of the Game or the Game of Rules? Allocating Value Chain Activities in the Europe Union M. M. Zhang
University College Dublin, Ireland
14 A Competitive Are born-globals actually global? A study of 32 rapidly internationalizing SMEs S. Melén Hånell, C. E. Rovira Nordman, D. Tolstoy
Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
15 A Competitive Evolution of born globals: a review of recent research S. Øyna
University of Agder, Norway
16 A Competitive Something old, something new, something borrowed: The internationalization of social enterprises targeting global issues T. A.-M. Ritvala, R. Riikkinen
Aalto University, Finland
17 A Competitive How the spatial dispersion and size of country networks shape the geographic distance that firms add during international expansion G. Hendriks
University of Warwick, United Kingdom
18 A Competitive Connecting Local and Global Technological Knowledge Connections S. Zaman, J. Cantwell
Rutgers University, USA
19 A Competitive The ERA of International R&D Investments G. Damioli1, D. Vertesy1, D. Castellani2
1European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy; 2University of Reading, United Kingdom
20 A Competitive Governance Inertia in Dynamic Institutional Environments N. Jia1, F. Klein2, J. Puck2
1University of Southern California, USA; 2 Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
21 A Competitive Are governance mode and location choices interdependent? M. Leiblein1, M. M. Larsen2, T. Pedersen3
1Ohio State University, USA; 2Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 3Bocconi University, Italy
22 A Competitive How to make waves in a huge pond? The importance of attention-building behaviour among subsidiaries to gain strategic influence A. Gorgijevski1, K. Lagerström1, C. Holmström Lind1, T. Hult2
1Uppsala University, Sweden; 2Michigan State University, USA
23 A Competitive The role of Bulgarian subsidiaries in R&D internationalization: strategic or black hole? M. Dodourova, S. Zhao, A.-W. Harzing
Middlesex University, United Kingdom
24 A Competitive Are emerging markets similar enough? Investigating talent management practices and their relation to absorptive capacity and firm performance in Russia and Brazil M. Latukha1, M. L. Maclennan2, S. Marinova3
1St. Petersburg State University, Russia; 2Centro Universitario Fei, Brazil 3Aalborg University, Denmark
25 A Competitive Career trajectories of international talent workers – a CV analysis F. M. Eberz1, K. Gilli1, N. Böhmer2, H. Schinnenburg2, M. Gunkel1
1Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy; 2University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Germany
26 A Competitive Industrial relations in foreign owned subsidiaries in Germany: Comparative
case study results
C. Dörrenbächer, M. Heinz Rudolf, T. Heinz, C. Qi
Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany
27 A Competitive Innovation Offshoring, Institutional Context and Innovation Performance: A Meta-Analysis N. Rosenbusch2, M. Gusenbauer3, I. Hatak4, M. Fink3, K. Meyer1
1Ivey Business School, Canada; 2Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada 3Johannes Kepler University, Austria; 4University of St Gallen, Switzerland
28 A Competitive Ambidexterity in international business and innovation on organizational learning and decision making W. Rodgers1,2, W.-L. Liu2, A.-B. Rexford2
1University of Texas at El Paso, USA; 2University of Hull, United Kingdom
29 A Competitive Why do Inventors move out of MNCs’ host country subsidiaries? The role of Institutional Distance D. J. Borah1, S. Massini1, L. Piscitello2
1The University of Manchester, United Kingdom; 2Politecnico di Milano, Italy
30 A Interactive Cross-country comparison of environmental, social, and corporate governance performance: How do institutions matter? J. Shin1, C. H. Oh2
1University of Groningen, The Netherlands; 2Simon Fraser University, Canada
32 A Interactive Pro Market Reforms: Do they affect firm profitability? B. Buscariolli, J. Carneiro
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil
33 A Interactive How MNEs Respond to Institutional Voids and Why Do they Differ: The Influence of Firm Factors, Local Partnership, and Institutional Contexts M. Allen1, M. B. Rana2, J. Liu1
1The University of Manchester; 2Aalborg University
34 A Interactive Convergence of innovation policies in the European aerospace industry M. Landoni1, D. Ogilvie2
1Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy; 2Rochester Institute of Technology
35 A Interactive Trump’s Twitter fury and how it matters for multinational corporations P. Klopf1, A. Gerstbauer1, P. Nell1,2
1Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria; 2Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
36 A Interactive Internationalisation process of e-commerce firms – a case of financial e services company M. Grochal-Brejdak, M. Szymura-Tyc
University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
37 A Interactive The determinants of internationalization of universities O. M. Adewumi, Z. H. Munim
University of Agder, Norway
38 A Interactive Outward FDI from CIS: the interplay of host institutional quality and motives of MNEs F. Filippaios1, I. Gokh2, Z. Stone1
1University of Kent, United Kingdom; 2De Montfort University, United Kingdom
39 A Interactive Exporting performance of Brazilian companies: institutional environment, location and competitive resources R. B. Oliveira1, W. Moraes2, E. Kovacs1, H. H. Santos2, T. Costa2
1UFRPE, Brazil; 2UFPE, Brazil
40 A Interactive Economic diplomacy at foreign market entry; difficult entry modes or difficult markets? A. Jaklič1, S. Šešum2
1University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia
41 A Interactive Innovation dynamics and financial constraints. A European Perspective F. J. Santos Arteaga1, C. Torrecillas Bautista2
1Free University of Bolzano, Italy; 2Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
42 A Interactive Comparisons of patterns and mechanisms catching up processes in technological sectors: a study of manufacturing industries in China L. Xu1, j. Xiong1, h. Fu2
1Rennes School of Business, France; 2Tsinghua University, China
43 A Interactive Foreign Direct Investment Location Choices and Multimarket Competition: Boundary Conditions of the Mainstream Literature and the Challenges of Unforeseen Empirical Contexts M. Dike1, E. Rose2, U. Andersson3
1Aalto University School of Business, Finland; 2Leeds University Business School, UK 3Mälardalen University, Sweden
44 A Interactive Non-constant international growth: previous empirical evidence and future research directions T. Vissak
University of Tartu, Estonia
45 A Interactive Undoing the unwise – Creating successful de-merger out of failed merger I. Hassan1, P. Ghauri2
1King's College London; 2University of Birmingham
46 A Interactive Foreign Subsidiary Divestment – a Meta-analytic Study on Antecedents D. Schmid, D. Morschett
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
47 A Interactive Foreign Market Re-entry: A Review and Integrated Framework L. Tang, C. M. Sousa, X. He, J. Lengler
Durham University, United Kingdom
48 A Interactive Early stage internationalisation in challenging business environments: An exploratory study of modes adopted by medium-sized enterprises seeking market entry in Kenya H. Gundelach, M. W. Hansen
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
49 A Interactive A Comparative Study on Explorative Overseas Foreign Direct Investment by MNEs from Developed and Developing Economies A. Wollenberg1, J. J. Cabrera Lazarini2, K. Chu3
1St. George's University, Grenada; 2Tecnológico de Monterrey 3Curtin University of Technology
50 A Interactive Is International Entrepreneurship a Site for Methodological Innovation in Qualitative Case Research: A Review and Analysis J. Ji1, E. Plakoyiannaki2, P. Dimitratos3, S. Chen4
1Sheffield University Management School, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom; 2Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, United Kingdom 3Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; 4Department of Business Administration, Tongji University, China
51 A Interactive Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Intention: Do Students Perceiving a Hostile Environment Benefit? M. Solesvik1, P. Westhead2
1Nord University, Norway; 2Durham University Business School
52 A Interactive From ‘Clicks to Bricks’: A growth Strategy for SMEs P. Kalfadellis, A. Pucar, P. O'Neill
Monash University, Australia
53 A Interactive It’s a small world after all: An effectuation analysis on business model to conquer developed markets C. Vilasboas Calixto1, S. Vasconcellos2, I. Lapuente Garrido3
1Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, Brazil; 2Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Brazil 3UNISINOS, Brazil
54 A Interactive Motivation of female business owners: case of Russia, Ukraine and Norway T. Iakovleva1, M. Solesvik2, A. Trifilova3
1University of Stavanger, Norway; 2Nord University, Norway 3University of Exeter, United Kingdom
55 A Interactive “Dear Internet…”: A Sentiment Analysis of Trailing Spouses’ Blogs A. Koveshnikov1, H. Wechtler2, J. Lindman3
1Aalto University, Finland; 2UNSW, Australia 3University of Gothenburg, Sweden
56 A Interactive Relating individual- and group-level decision-making during cross-border integration S. A. Sniazhko
University of Vaasa, Finland
57 A Interactive Development of Relationships in Global Virtual Teams around Task M. Aleem, P. Zettinig
Turku School of Economics, Finland
58 B Competitive The complementary roles of states and MNEs in solving the tax haven problem J. Nebus
Suffolk University, United States of America
59 B Competitive Are ethnic ties catalysts for Chinese outward FDI: the role of country-of-origin firms and immigrants bonds H. Zhu1, J. Cantwell2, Z. Deng3
1Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China; 2Rutgers University, USA 3Renmin University of China; China
60 B Competitive Go abroad or die? A dialogue on internationalization in the decline phase A. Montoro-Sanchez1, C. Maylin-Aguilar2
1Complutense University of Madrid, Spain; 2Francisco de Vitoria Universy, Spain
61 B Competitive Sectoral dimensions of Poland`s investment development path revisited J. Nowak1, M. Gorynia2, P. Trąpczyński2, R. Wolniak3
1IBD Business School, Warsaw; 2Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland 3University of Warsaw, Poland
62 B Competitive The concepts of strategy and business models in firm internationalisation research: towards a research agenda M. Gorynia, P. Trąpczyński, S. Bytniewski
Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
63 B Competitive A balanced inter-cultural-space dispersion is not enough. Think also about the way you get there! P. H. S. Nguyen1, T. Atamer2, A. C. Martinet3, Z. Guedri2, P. Legrand1
1ESC Clermont Graduate School of Management, France; 2EM Lyon Business School 3iaelyon School of Management - Jean Moulin University
64 B Competitive The moderating effects of formal institutional distance on the relationship between cultural distance and performance H. Correa da Cunha1, M. Amal2, D. Floriani3, S. Andersson4
1Halmstad University Sweden/Universidade de Blumenau (FURB) Brazil; 2Universidade de Blumenau (FURB) Brazil 3Universidade do Vale do Itajai (UNIVALI) Brazil; 4Halmstad University Sweden
65 B Competitive Antecedents of the multinationality level of firms from developing countries M. Amal1, M. Hoeltgebaum2
1Regional University of Blumenau - FURB, Brazil; 2Regional University of Blumenau- FURB Brazil
66 B Competitive Fear for Failure and Need for Longevity – Internationalization Process Tensions within Family Businesses E. J. Paavilainen-Mäntymäki1, T. Leppäaho2, J. Metsola2
1University of Turku, Finland; 2Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
67 B Competitive Theorizing Fear of Failure in the International Opportunity Evaluation: An Investigation of Chinese Entrepreneurs and Their Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises K. Dong
The University of Adelaide, Australia
68 B Competitive Uncertainty and decision-making in SME internationalization: The importance of control, prediction, and knowledge W. Bai1,2, B. Francioni3, M. Johanson4,2, L. Oliveira5,4, M. Ratajczak-Mrozek6
1Zhejiang University of Technology, China; 2Uppsala University, Sweden 3University of Urbino, Italy; 4Dalarna University, Sweden; 5University of São Paulo, Brazil; 6Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
69 B Competitive A Dynamic Framework of Subsidiary Strategic Roles M. M. Dzikowska1, U. Andersson2,3
1Poznań University of Economics and Business; 2Mälardalen University 3BI Norwegian Business School
70 B Competitive Global market integration, strategic orientation, and foreign subsidiary divestment L. Sleuwaegen1, R. Belderbos1,2, F. DeMichiel1, S. Wu3
1KU Leuven, Belgium; 2Maastricht University, The Netherlands 3University of Liverpool, UK
71 B Competitive Political Economy of Finance: Securities Market Regulation J. Jeric
Oxford University, United Kingdom
72 B Competitive Dividend smoothing in BRICS countries: the explanatory power of the company’s individual and market-based determinants U. Mrzyglod, S. Nowak, M. Mosionek-Schweda, J. Kwiatkowski
University of Gdansk, Poland
73 B Competitive Liability of foreignness in investment banking J.-F. Hennart1, L. B. Beznos2, H. H. Sheng2
1CentER, Tilburg University; 2Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV-EAESP), Brazil
74 B Competitive They are like elephants and we are like mice: A study of learning processes in two internationalizing SMEs S. Melén Hånell, C. E. Rovira Nordman, L.-G. Mattsson
Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
75 B Competitive Social media use as mechanism facilitating progression through the international growth phases of INVs S. Fraccastoro, M. Gabrielsson
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
76 B Competitive Vulnerability in Cross-Border Online Shopping: A Cross-National Comparison between Chinese and German Consumers A. Fota, H. Schramm-Klein, G. Wagner
University of Siegen, Germany
77 B Interactive The role of Chinese emerging market multinationals in the Belt Road Initiative: An inter-disciplinary approach W.-s. Siu1, J. Pillai2
1Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China); 2American University of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan
78 B Interactive CEO political ideology and firm’s tax avoidance behavior in the shadow of rising populism A. Kerai
Indian Institute of Management, India
79 B Interactive Engaging to be at Peace? Examining China’s Interaction with Australia and South Korea in Diplomacy and for International Business in the Belt and Road Initiative J. Kim, A. Raswant
University of Sydney, Australia
80 B Interactive Home Sweet Home? The Impact of Home Country Subnational Environment on the Internationalization of Emerging Market Firms A. Raswant, C. Pattnaik
University of Sydney, Australia
81 B Interactive Internationalization of the State-Owned Enterprises: Evidence from Russia D. Klishevich1, A. Panibratov2
1St. Petersburg State University, Russia; 2St. Petersburg State University, Russia
82 B Interactive Internationally initiated microfinance institutions and their performance: The moderating effect of size T. W. SOMMENO
University of Agder, Norway
83 B Interactive Inward FDI in Central and Eastern Europe: do institutions still matter? V. Avioutskii1, M. Tensaout2
1ESSCA School of Management, France; 2Université du Maine, France
84 B Interactive Legitimisation through the network – the case of emerging market firm internationalisation N. Hasche2, C. Öberg1
1The Ratio Institute, Sweden; 2Rebro University
85 B Interactive Internationalization of Born Globals: the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Perspective H. Velt, L. Torkkeli, S. Saarenketo
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
86 B Interactive Brazilian craft breweries and internationalization process: the born global perspective F. Stocker1, G. Abib2
1University of São Paulo, Brazil; 2Federal University of Paraná, Brazil
87 B Interactive Business models and internationalization patterns in the software industry. The case of Polish B2B IT firms W. Nowiński1, M. Kozma2
1WSB University in Poznań, Poland; 2Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
88 C Competitive Multinationals and the European poors: Reverse knowledge transfer or ad hoc solutions? A. Zucchella1, S. Malvestito2
1University of Pavia, Italy; 2UBS, Switzerland
89 C Competitive Does Foreign Direct Investment promote Institutional Development in Africa? R. Mongong-Fon, F. Filippaios, C. Stoian
University of Kent, United Kingdom
91 C Competitive Myths about collinearity and clusters in International Business research: Identification, consequences, and remedies T. Lindner, J. Puck
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
92 C Competitive Theories, Hypotheses and Testing Structures: A Holistic Perspective T. M. Devinney1, E. Rose2, K. Nagre3
1University of Leeds, United Kingdom; 2University of Leeds, United Kingdom 3University of Leeds, United Kingdom
93 C Competitive Systematic technique for applying critical realism to multilevel case studies in International Business A. Silenskyte
University of Vaasa, Finland
94 C Competitive Entry mode deviation from internalization theory predictions S. Elia1, M. Møller Larsen2, L. Piscitello1
1Politecnico di Milano, Italy; 2Copenhagen Business School
95 C Competitive The Role of Imitative Learning on Speed of the Internationalization Process: An Analysis on Market Selection Process J. N. Edeh, F. J. Acedo, J. C. Casilas
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
96 C Competitive Which way to catch up? Top management team functional diversity and unconventional FDI portfolios of emerging economy firms Y. Li1, L. Cui2, Y. Choi2, X. Tian3
1The University of Sydney, Australia; 2The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 3Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing, China
97 C Competitive FDI, Culture and Females’ Education in EU Countries C. Economidou, C. Kottaridi, K. Louloudi
University of Piraeus, Greece
98 C Competitive They grow up so quickly! An essay on evolution of Swedish managers' mental frames of the developing markets in times of globalisation M. Budryk
Uppsala University, Sweden
99 C Competitive The Eclectic Paradigm as a Holistic Model to Analyze Subnational Determinants of FDI C. B. Batschauer da Cruz1, D. E. Floriani1, M. Amal2
1University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Brazil, Brazil; 2Regional University of Blumenau (FURB), Brazil
100 C Competitive Competition network, home-region competition, and performance S.-Y. Kim
101 C Competitive No place like home: Evidence on country of origin acquisitions by migrant CEOs M. J. Mueller1, T. H. Reus1, A. H. Slangen2
1Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University; 2KU Leuven
102 C Competitive The impact of institutional distance on cross-border merger and acquisition time to completion: The moderating effect of European Union membership C. Santos1, N. R. Reis1,2, J. C. Santos1,2
1School of Techonlogy and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria; 2CARME - Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics
103 C Competitive Stakeholder Voice and Accounting-Based Incentives: Evidence from Germany and the United States D. Feils1, M. Rahman2, F. Sabac3
1MacEwan University, Canada; 2University of San Diego, USA 3University of Alberta, Canada
104 C Competitive Nominee representatives of lenders in the board of directors: Impact on firm internationalization strategy V. Sukumara Panicker1, S. Mitra2, R. Srinivas Upadhyayula2
1Loughborough University, United Kingdom; 2Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, India
105 C Competitive CEO Overconfidence and Subsidiary Divestments F. Zilja
BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
106 C Competitive International top managers and their board tenure: is internationalization detrimental? S. Schmid1, S. Mitterreiter2
1ESCP Europe, Germany; 2ESCP Europe, Germany
107 C Competitive Integration managers’ approaches to uncertainty management S. A. Sniazhko
University of Vaasa, Finland
108 C Competitive Proposal of a Validated Coding Instrument to Analyse Interactions in Cross-cultural Business Negotiations C. Dowie1, C. De Mattos2, O. De Bruijn3, P. Ghauri4
1University of Aberdeen, UK; 2University of Huddersfield, UK 3University of Manchester, UK; 4Uiversity of Birmingham, UK
109 C Competitive Innovation and industrial specialization patterns of FDI in service and manufacturing sectors – examination of the industrial sectors across regions in a transition economy A. Mironko
Indiana University East, United States of America
110 C Competitive Industrial architecture characteristics, R&D subsidies and policy penetration effects: A comparative study of wind power and new energy vehicles W. Gao1, D. Wang2, X. Hu1
1China University of Mining and Technology, China; 2Aalborg University, Denmark
111 C Competitive Knowledge exploration and exploitation in R&D internationalization: A comparison of emerging versus advanced economy multinational companies V. Procher1, P. Steinberg2, D. Urbig3, C. Volkmann3
1Grenoble Ecole de Management, France; 2University of Groningen, The Netherlands 3University of Wuppertal, Germany
112 C Interactive U.S. Foreign Direct Investment to the Eurozone Manufacturing. A distance framework by type of industry approach D. Kyrkilis1, N. Grujic1
1University of Macedonia, Greece
113 C Interactive Unintended FDI spillovers or deliberate network change? - Developing a framework on multinational corporations’ impact on local companies E. Pelto
University of Turku, Finland
114 C Interactive Driving forces behind the expansion strategies of Chinese MNEs in Central and Eastern Europe A. Szunomar Agnes
Center for Economic and Regional Studies HAS, Hungary
115 C Interactive Internal organizational factors on social enterprise international scaling: a quantitative study F. De Beule, K. Dobson, J. Bruneel
KU Leuven University, Belgium
116 C Interactive Embeddedness of international new ventures during the first global economy T. Leppäaho1, R. Amdam2, S. Jack3, S. Korhonen1
1Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland; 2BI Norwegian Business School, Norway 3Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
117 C Interactive Survival of new ventures: the influence of internationalization and its speed E. Choquette, M. Rask
Aarhus University, Denmark
118 C Interactive Are corporate investors ambidextrous? How exploration and exploitation can pursue firm performance in the corporate venture capital? F. H. Shuwaikh
Paris Sud University, France
119 C Interactive Internationalisation performance of SMEs from emerging economies: Does managerial knowledge make a difference? S. Kumari, V. Shirodkar, S. McGuire
University of Sussex, United Kingdom
120 C Interactive Mature markets, internationalization and SMEs: challenges and opportunities A. Montoro-Sanchez1, C. Maylin-Aguilar2
1Complutense University of Madrid, Spain; 2Francisco de Vitoria University, Spain
121 C Interactive Co-location of R&D and production in fashion industry: The case of Italy D. Lica, E. Di Maria, V. De Marchi
University of Padova, Italy
122 C Interactive Collocation for what? Value and critical dimensions of MNE clustering B. Urzelai1, F. Puig2
1University of the West of England, United Kingdom; 2University of Valencia, Spain
123 C Interactive Location advantages of the Lodz province for small foreign investors: revisited after five years T. Dorożyński, J. Świerkocki
University of Lodz, Poland
124 C Interactive The Managerial Challenges for Labor Intensive Industry in Developed Countries: Some Case Studies of Japanese Apparel SMEs F. Iwasaki1, Y. Ueki2
1Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia; 2Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO), Japan
125 C Interactive Micro-geography of Agglomeration Economies: Evidence on the UK D. Castellani1, K. Lavoratori1
University of Reading, United Kingdom
126 C Interactive How audit society limits countries' ability to grow IB via inconsistent treatment of Remittances in sovereign credit rating L. F. DUCRAY
Caen-Normandie University, France
127 C Interactive The Role of Dividends on Equity Valuation: Evidence from GCC Countries B. M. Abu-Abbas
Qatar University, Qatar
128 C Interactive Women on Boards of the World’s Largest Multinationals: A Multi-Dimensional Perspective A. Budde-Sung, S. Gray
University of Sydney, Australia
129 C Interactive Going private transactions performance in emerging economies: a comparative study between Latin America, Europe and Asia A. Y. Chevalier1, A. Sannajust2
1ESCP Europe, France; 2Université de Saint Etienne-COACTIS-Saint Etienne-France, France
130 C Interactive Migrants as cross-border entrepreneurs – a theoretical review and mapping M. Elo1, P. Servais2, S. Sandberg2
1Shanghai University, University of Turku, Migration Institute of Finland, Finland; 2Linnaeus University, Sweden
131 C Interactive From expatriation to global migration: The role of talent management practices in talent mobility to Ghana M. Latukha, J. Soyiri
St. Petersburg State University, Russia
132 C Interactive The Paradox of Roots and Wings: Labor Mobility from Local Firms to MNEs in Algeria F. Tighersi1, A. Bouguerra2, I. Golgeci3
1 University of Birmingham, United Kingdom; 2Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 3Aarhus University, Denmark
133 C Interactive Global Leadership success through cultural and emotional intelligence in International teams E. Lankut1,2, M. Gunkel3, Z. H. Munim1, I. Alon1, V. Taras4, N. F. Richter2
1University of Agder, Norway; 2Southern Denmark University (SDU), Denmark 3Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy; 4University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
134 D Competitive Regional social capital and the entrepreneurial establishment process: a multi-level study J. Kleinhempel, S. Beugelsdijk, M. Klasing
1University of Groningen, The Netherlands
135 D Competitive The internationalization of socially oriented organizations: Determinants of host country selection J. Chen, S. Saarenketo, K. Puumalainen
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
136 D Competitive Entry timing and initial speed: Exploring interactions and impacts on exporting SMEs R. Romanello1, M. Chiarvesio1, B. Balboni2
1University of Udine, Italy; 2University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
137 D Competitive Networks and Firm's Scalability: How Network Factors Contribute in defining Born-Global Scalability Path B. Abdulkader
Central European University, Hungary
138 D Competitive Digitalization in the global sales era: the analysis of a cross-national dataset C. Lindh2, C. E. Rovira Nordman1, S. Melén Hånell1, A. Safari2, A. Hadjikhani2
1Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden; 2Mälardalen University, Sweden
139 D Competitive RBV + SDL RM? Explaining Resource-Based View and Service-Dominant Logic through Relationship Management
Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
140 D Competitive Structural Attention Matters More: Attention and Communication Choices in Multinational Corporations H. u. Haq1, R. Drogendijk1, D. B. Holm2
1University of Groningen, Netherlands; 2Uppsala University, Sweden
141 D Competitive A values-based analysis of bifurcation bias and its impact on family firm internationalization A. Verbeke1, W. Yuan2, L. L. Kano1
1University of Calgary, Canada; 2University of Manitoba, Canada
142 D Competitive The effect of initial structural conditions on IJV stability: Evidence from French-foreign JVs H. Aib, J. Liouville
University of Strasbourg, France
143 D Competitive Outward foreign investment and home-country economic development: Using the eclectic paradigm to synthesize two influential IB literatures G. Hendriks
University of Warwick, United Kingdom
144 D Competitive Addressing the finance gap in IB: combining export finance and export promotion to support firms’ internationalization M. S. Bitsch
University of Turku, Finland
145 D Competitive How exporting small and medium sized enterprises manage foreign exchange risk V. H. Dang1, V. Lindsay2
1An Giang University, Vietnam; 2American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
146 D Competitive Cultivating a corporate global mindset: An exploratory attempt to connect global mindset with organizational identity R. Guerrero, J. Hruby
Steinbeis Consulting Center, Germany
147 D Competitive Exploring voluntary turnover in companies operating in Russia: Application of text mining in job review analysis D. Sokolov, L. Selivanovskikh
St. Petersburg State University, Russia
148 D Competitive Attracting Job Seekers Using Diversity Seals S.A. Rössig, S. Enke
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
149 D Competitive Foreign market adaptation and performance: the role of institutional distance and organizational capabilities M. Ciszewska-Mlinaric1, P. Trąpczyński2
1Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland; 2Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
150 D Competitive Causation and Effectuation Help to Understand Export Marketing and Performance of Micro and Small Brazilian Enterprises R. D. Cunha, T. V. Rocha, S. G. Moraes
ESPM/SP, Brazil
151 D Competitive Country Environment and Local Performance: A Cross-classified Multi-level Approach B. Swoboda, L. Morbe, C. Sinning
University of Trier, Germany
152 D Competitive Don’t do it in the Rome if you cannot do as the Romans do: How ‘distance’ in intellectual property protection regimes matters for MNEs’ innovations at foreign-subsidiary levels? P. Konara1, G. Batsakis2, V. Shirodkar3
1University of Plymouth, United Kingdom; 2ALBA Graduate Business School, Greece 3University of Sussex, United Kingdom
153 D Competitive Firm’s Innovation and Market Valuation: Are There any Threshold Effects? C. Economidou1, K. Drivas1, E. Ketteni2, C. Kottaridi1
1University Of Piraeus, Greece; 2Frederick University, Cyprus
154 D Competitive Foreign Knowledge Flow and the Chinese Accounting Firm’s Dynamic Capabilities Development T. H. Malik
Liaoning University, China
155 D Competitive An Inter-firm Perspective on Market, Brand and Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Influence on Performance F. Wang1, P. Ghauri2, U. Elg3
1King's College London, United Kingdom; 2University of Birmingham, United Kingdom 3Lund University, Sweden
156 D Competitive Managing resource dependencies to achieve the balance of power: A perspective of low power firms in an inter-organisational relationship S. Ahmad, P. Dimitratos, S. Zyglidopoulos, R. Narooz
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
157 D Competitive Indigenous and Foreign MNEs: Do Linkages with Local Business Partners Differ? J. Scott-Kennel1, I. Saittakari2
1University of Waikato, New Zealand; 2Aalto University, Finland
158 D Interactive Investigating collective international opportunities – A case study E. Haaja1, N. Nummela1,2
1University of Turku, Finland; 2University of Tartu, Estonia
159 D Interactive Family ownership and intermittent exporting A. Kuiken
Jönköping International Business School, Sweden
160 D Interactive The choice between joint venture and wholly owned subsidiary: a comparison of SMEs and large firms M. C. Sestu1, A. Majocchi1, A. D’Angelo2
1University of Pavia, Italy; 2Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
161 D Interactive Digital Age Internalization: How Organizational Performance Impacts Internalization Decisions J. Dredge, C. Park
Memorial University, Canada
162 D Interactive Early Internationalizing Firms as a Means of Cross-border Entrepreneurial Experimentations under Genuine Uncertainty: Insights from Judgment-Based View of Entrepreneurship H. Kano
Waseda University, Japan
163 D Interactive The Evolution of Born Globals S. Øyna, R. Shneor
University of Agder, Norway
164 D Interactive Discovering the Land of a Thousand Lakes: Identity Work among Foreign Academics in Finland A. Koveshnikov1, P. Kähäri1, J. Sumelius2, H. Vuorenmaa1
1Aalto University School of Business, Finland; 2University of Vaasa, Finland
165 D Interactive “Maybe I’m not an expert at all”: Enacting expertise at the multinational workplace T. Hakkarainen1, J. Angouri2
1Aalto University, Finland; 2University of Warwick, United Kingdom
166 D Interactive The influence of TMT’s nationality diversity on MNCs’ employer attractiveness T. Dauth1,4, S. Schmid2, D. Georgakakis3, W. Ruigrok3, F. Orban1
1HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany; 2ESCP Europe, Germany 3University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; 4Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy
167 D Interactive Do location and family matter when going abroad? G. Hong1, K. E. Shin2, E. Kim3
1The institutes of Spain and Latin America, Korea University; 2Korea University Business School 3Pusan National University, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
168 D Interactive Researchers as Key Actors in the Internationalization of Higher Education: The P.R.I.D. Model M. Romani-Dias1,2, J. Carneiro2
1Escola Superior de Engenharia e Gestão (ESEG), Brazil; 2FGV Sao Paulo School of Business Administration, Brazil
169 D Interactive Innovation and Regional Development: Evidence from Brazil F. d. O. Paula, J. F. d. Silva
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
170 D Interactive The Influence of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices on Knowledge Sharing in ERP Implementation A. Aklamanu
Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Ghana
171 D Interactive Effectuation, Causation and Radical Innovation in Norwegian Firms P. Westhead2, M. Solesvik1
1Nord University, Norway; 2Durham University, United Kingdom
172 D Interactive An Integrated Model to Explore the Determinants of Product and Process Innovation: Does Information System Usage has A Mediating Role? I. H. Magboul1, A. K. Al-Swidi2
1Community College Qatar, Qatar; 2Qatar University, Qatar
173 D Interactive Political Embeddedness and Competence Creation: Intermediate Units vs. Local Subsidiaries A. Botella, C. Villar, J. Pla-Barber
University of Valencia, Spain
174 D Interactive Global Market Entry Strategies of Chinese and Taiwanese High-Technology Firms: A Network Perspective M. Glowik, A. Alan
Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany
175 D Interactive European Born Globals and Their Global Value Chains V. Patrini
Eurofound, Ireland
176 D Interactive Social Network Structure and Vertical Desintegration R. Oliveira1, A. Figueira1, B. Jindra2
1COPPEAD, Brazil; 2Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
177 D Interactive The Impact of International Ownership on the Performance of Social Enterprises: A Global Survey of Microfinance Shareholder Firms K. Ohene Djan1, R. Mersland1, L. A. Beisland1, L. Nakato1, S. A. Nyarko1,2
1University of Agder, Norway; 2Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Brussels School of Management
178 E Competitive Infant multinationals in infant markets: opportunity creation by Central and Eastern European firms in Sub-Saharan Africa A. Wąsowska1, K. Obłój2
1University of Warsaw, Poland; 2Kozminski University, Poland
179 E Competitive Institutional effects on the ownership in cross-border acquisitions by African firms J. C. Rodrigues2, M. P. Ferreira1, J. C. Santos1
1Polytechnic Institute of Leiria; 2CARME - Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics; 2Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
180 E Competitive Internationalization and Performance: Moderating Role of Firm-specific Advantages K. R. Bhandari1, J. Larimo1, Y. Wang2
1University of Vaasa, Finland; 2University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
181 E Competitive The informal legacy: exploring the relationship between the informal economy and exporting among African SMEs M. Møller Larsen, C. Witte
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
182 E Competitive Boundarylessness and boundaries in international entrepreneurship identity work S. Korhonen1, M. Hannibal2
1Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland; 2University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
183 E Competitive Facilitating International Venturing of Emerging Market Firms through Entrepreneurial Transformation: Contingent Role of Technological Environment C. Han1, B. Nielsen2
1Xi'an Jiaotong University, China; 2The University of Sydney, Australia
184 E Competitive The role of institutional context in backshoring decisions L. L. Halse1, B. B. Nujen1, H. Solli-Sæther2
1Molde University College, Norway; 2Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
185 E Competitive What happens after offshoring? A comprehensive framework M. Bettiol2, M. Chiarvesio3, E. Di Mattia2, C. Di Stefano1, L. Fratocchi1
1University of L'Aquila, Italy; 2University of Padova, Italy 3University of Udine, Italy
186 E Competitive Connectivity and the Location of MNEs Across the Value Chain. Evidence from US Metropolitan Areas D. Castellani1, K. Lavoratori1, A. Perri2, V. Scalera3
1University of Reading, United Kingdom; 2Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy 3University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
187 E Competitive Why do multinational firms offshore R&D to China? An in-depth analysis of determinants behind locational strategies J. Hong, S. Massini, J. Edler
University of Manchester, United Kingdom
188 E Competitive Strategic factors in the interaction of innovation-oriented University-Industry collaborations V. Rosendo-Rios
CUNEF, Spain
189 E Competitive The brand identity role and attitude toward donations: an American-Italian comparison in the higher education context B. Francioni1, I. Curina1, C. Dennis2, S. Papagiannidis3, E. Alamanos3, M. Bourlakis4
1Università di Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy; 2The Business School, Middlesex University, London NW4 4BT, UK 3Newcastle University Business School, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4SE, UK; 4Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AL, UK
190 E Competitive Generational cohorts: Review and research directions S. G. Moraes, V. I. Strehlau, R. D. Cunha
ESPM, Brazil
191 E Competitive Recapturing customers in cross-border acquisitions of knowledge-intensive firms: the case of a Chinese-Finnish M&A W. Y. Degbey1, C. Öberg2, N. Nummela1
1University of Turku, Finland; 2Örebro University School of Business, Sweden
192 E Competitive The institutional approach on coopetition: coopetition and internationalization of firms regarding the role of the formal institutions J. M. Monticelli1,3, I. L. Garrido2, L. M. Vieira1, J. R. d. S. Verschoore2
1Fundacao Getulio Vargas EAESP, Brazil; 2Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil 3Universidade Unilasalle, Brazil
193 E Competitive Socioemotional wealth and international networking of family-controlled SMEs J. S. Metsola, T. C. Leppäaho
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
194 E Interactive Knowledge connectivity in the global value chain of lithium-batteries I. Alvarez, R. Marín, F. Moreno-Brieva
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
195 E Interactive E-commerce and the international scope of MNEs I. Alvarez, R. Marín
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
196 E Interactive The role of inter-organizational strategic fit in sub-supplier management – a multi-case field study observed from a lower-tier perspective E. Altmayer
University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
197 E Interactive Firm financial performance and the consequence of FDI location in global cities vs. non-global cities H. Du
NEOMA Business School, France
198 E Interactive Segways and segues: humour as a lens to exploring expatriates’ language proficiency and cross-cultural awareness in Japan M. J. Lehtonen, A. Koveshnikov
Aalto University, Finland
199 E Interactive A Conceptual Framework of Global Mindset (GM) Development J. Hruby, R. Guerrero, J. Hartel
Steinbeis Consulting Center, Germany
200 E Interactive A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Individual- and Collective-Focused Leadership U. Poethke, J. Rowold
TU Dortmund University, Germany
201 E Interactive Institutional influences on the implementation of HRM in MNCs across settings P. Gooderham1, E. Stavrou2, E. Parry3, M. Morley4, M. Lazarova5
1NHH, Norway; 2Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus 3Cranfield University, United Kingdom; 4University of Limerick, Ireland; 5Beedie School of Business, Canada
202 E Interactive HRM practices and intellectual capital: the role of knowledge management strategies D. Sokolov, E. Zavyalova
St. Petersburg State University, Russia
203 E Interactive Environmental Sustainability Strategy and International Performance: A Systematic Review of the Literature L. Barbosa, J. Carneiro
FGV Sao Paulo School of Business Administration, Brazil
204 E Interactive When performance fails to appear: Making the marketing strategy more right G. Alteren
UiT Arctic University of Tromso, Norway
205 E Interactive A study of export intensity and export performance of MNE foreign subsidiaries Q. Nguyen
University of Reading, United Kingdom
206 E Interactive Context and position in value co-creation: a multi-firm perspective S. T. Marinova1, S. Freeman2, M. Marinov1
1Aalborg University, Denmark; 2University of South Australia, Australia
207 E Interactive How do International Linkages, business group affiliation and state ownership affect the Domestic Innovation Performance of Overseas Technology Seeking M&As in Chinese Businesses? Z. Hu, D. Sutherland, C. Williams
Durham University, United Kingdom
208 E Interactive Internal challenges to knowledge sharing in Western R&D centers in China: A comparative case study D. Schulzmann1,2, D. Wang1, D. Slepniov1
1Aalborg University, Denmark; 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
209 E Interactive Constructing transactional confidence under conditions of institutional uncertainties: Social and technological micro solutions of platform-based organizations in emerging markets M. Okraku1, C. E. Weber1, I. Maurer1, J. Mair2
1University of Göttingen, Germany; 2Hertie School of Governance, Germany
210 E Interactive MNC’s knowledge management and project performance: An ability, motivation and opportunity approach A. Dasi1, T. Pedersen2, L. L. Barakat3, T. R. Alves4
1Universitat de València, Spain; 2Bocconi University, Italy 3Fundação Dom Cabral, Brazil; 4Action Business
211 E Interactive How do external search influence the link between knowledge transfer and innovation performance? Evidence from European MNE subsidiaries I. Golgeci1, A. Ferraris2, A. Arslan3, S. Y. Tarba4
1Aarhus University, Denmark; 2University of Turin, Italy 3University of Oulu, Finland; 4University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
212 E Interactive Bridge-building: An integrative approach to learning in International Business P. Zettinig, M. Berry
University of Turku, Finland
213 E Interactive Critical Perspectives on Transnational Higher Education J. D. Branch
University of Michigan, USA
214 E Interactive The Travel Shop: new alternatives for growth V. Steinhauser, A. Da Rocha
PUC Rio, Brazil
215 E Interactive Using International Classroom as a Platform for Teaching IB M. Jarosiński1, M. Kozma2
1SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland; 2Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
216 F Competitive Bringing Corporate Governance into Internalization Theory: Foreign Entry of State Owned Enterprises B. Grøgaard1, A. Rygh2, G. R. G. Benito1
1BI Norwegian Business School, Norway; 2University of Manchester, United Kingdom
217 F Competitive Taking stock of foreign divestment: a critical review of contemporary literature P. Arte, J. Larimo
University of Vaasa, Finland
218 F Competitive Dynamic learning and networking capabilities: Their development and interplay during entrepreneurial internationalization S. Fuerst1, P. Zettinig2
1Universidad EAFIT, Columbia; 2University of Turku, Finland
219 F Competitive Chinese Exporter's Nonlinear Internationalization Process: Causes and Analysis X. Zhang1,2, J. Helena Zhang3, R. Aman1
1University of Oulu, Finland; 2Shanghai University, China 3Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
220 F Competitive Institutional Schisms: The impact of intergovernmental organizations on entrepreneurship E. Moore2, L. A. Dau2, K. Brandl1
1University of Victoria, Canada; 2Northeastern University, USA
221 F Competitive The Effect of Board Interlocks on the Degree of Firm Internationalization: Evidence from Swedish SMEs H. E. Yildiz1, M. Eriksson1, U. Holm1, S. Morgulis-Yakushev2
1Uppsala University, Sweden; 2Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
222 F Competitive The managerial cognitive reasoning amplification to the internationalization decision-making process framework B. Vlacic1, M. González-Loureiro1,2
1Universidad de Vigo, Spain; 2CIICESI-Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal
223 F Competitive Unanimity of top management team and firm performance in internationalizing SMEs L. Haapanen, P. Ahokangas, J. Juntunen, M. Juntunen
Oulu Business School, Finland
224 F Competitive Causes and resolution approaches on conflicts between mining companies and communities C. H. Oh1, J. Shin2, S. S. H. Ho1
1Simon Fraser University, Canada; 2University of Groningen, The Netherlands
225 F Competitive How Could Social Business be Successful in Developing Countries? - A Case Study of Africa H. Inami
Kyorin University, Japan
226 F Competitive Nonperforming Loans and Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions S. Zamore, L. A. Beisland, R. Mersland
University of Agder, Norway
227 F Competitive Financial linkages and savings groups’ dynamics: A global study L. Nakato1, R. Mersland1, B. D'Espallier2
1University of Agder, Norway; 2KU Leuven, Belgium
228 F Competitive Adverse Shocks and Capital Structure Decisions: A Temporal Analysis of Listed Emerging Market Firms around the Global Financial Crisis B. Aybar1, S. Deligonul2, B. An3
1Southern New Hampshire University, USA; 2St. John Fisher College, USA 3Plymouth State University, USA
229 F Competitive Psychological Contract Violations during International Assignments: The Moderating Role of Emotional Deprivation T. Schuster1, K. Bader2, B. Bader3
1Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany; 2Georg-August-University, Germany 3Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany
230 F Competitive Beyond cultural homogeneity: Understanding within Russia differences in managerial values F. León-Darder
Universitat de València, Spain
231 F Competitive Expatriates and partners living together abroad or apart: Longitudinal crossover and individual effect of depression and marital satisfaction R. A. I. C. Karunarathne1, F. J. Froese2
1University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka; 2University of Goettingen, Germany
232 F Competitive Food consumer segmentations across five European countries: evidence for divergence or convergence? B. Hagen1, A. Carcagnì2, G. Sepe1, I. Matullat3, D. Menozzi4, J. L. Santiago-Rial5, D. Taskov6, O. Untilov7
1University of Pavia, Italy; 2University of Milan - Bicocca, Italy 3TTZ Germany; 4University of Parma, Italy; 5CETMAR Spain; 6University of Stirling, United Kingdom; 7University of Haute Savoie Mont Blanc , France
233 F Competitive Using Dynamic Capabilities to Adopt Innovative International Marketing Strategies - Aligning Consumer and Company Values - Evidence from the US, the Netherlands and New Zealand M. Seifert, M. Benson-Rea
University of Auckland, New Zealand
234 F Interactive Deconstructed corruption distance and FDI location choice Z. Rodina
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
235 F Interactive Micro-political influences on an implementation failure in the Russian automotive industry V. KRYLOV1, 2 MONTENERO2
1University of Lorraine, France; 2University of Paris-Dauphine, France
236 F Interactive Decision-Makers’ Risks Perceptions in Internationalization and the Role of Context S. T. Marinova1, J. S. Eduardsen1, J. Karmowska2, J. Child3, S. Elbanna4, L. Hsieh5, R. Narooz6, P. Puthusserry7, T. Tsai8, Y. Zhang8
1Aalborg University, Denmark; 2Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom 3Universities of Birmingham & Plymouth, United Kingdom; 4Qatar University, Qatar; 5SOAS University of London, United Kingdom; 6University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; 7University of Sussex, United Kingdom; 8China-Europe International Business School, China
237 F Interactive Information sharing networks among Japanese SMEs and support organizations at collective regional stands in a foreign trade show C. Furukawa
Aichi University, Japan
238 F Interactive A Hybrid Approach to International Market Selection: The Case of European Impact Investing Organizations R. Mersland1, S. A. Nyarko1,2, A. B. Sirisena1
1University of Agder, Norway; 2Université Libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Belgium
239 F Interactive A case study on the commercialisation of digital technology E. K. Aro
University of Turku, Finland
240 F Interactive Assessing the pros and cons of digital corporate information systems: What can be learnt from a British MNC and a Chinese MNC S. Zhao
Middlesex University, United Kingdom
241 F Interactive The digital future of Telcos: Dumb pipes or crucial partners in innovation of new business models? F. Elter1, P. Gooderham2,3, A. Dasi4, T. Pedersen5
1Telenor Group; 2Norwegian School of Economics, Norway 3Middlesex University, United Kingdom; 4University of Valencia, Spain; 5Bocconi University, Italy
242 F Interactive Understanding brand awareness for born global firms: a proposition for the use of the diffusion of innovation theory M. T. Salomão, J. C. B. Figueiredo, V. I. Strehlau
ESPM, Brazil
243 F Interactive International Consumers Airline Experiences and Negative Brand Emotions Expressed on Social Media: A Consumer Perspective A. Manzoor, T. Mullern, A. Berndt
Jönköping University, Sweden
244 F Interactive Corporate conflict management in international business relationships S. Hartl, M. Chavan
Macquarie University, Australia
245 F Interactive Is Socioeconomic Matching of Staff and Clients Beneficial for Microfinance Social Enterprises? N. Otiti
University of Agder, Norway
246 F Interactive National Identity and Foreign Direct Investment: Sense-making and the Legacy of History in Central European Post-Communist Organisations A. Soulsby
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
247 F Interactive Rough winds? Emotional climate following acquisitions R. Harikkala-Laihinen
University of Turku, Finland